Thursday, March 12, 2020

People Who Annoy You at the Office How to Deal

People Who Annoy You at the Office How to Deal People who annoy you will leave you feeling mentally drained. An irritating coworker or annoying and difficult people in a client meeting could make you dread going to work. So are the people at work annoying? Heres how to deal.Well, first, lets state the inevitable People at work will annoy you. It happens. I dont care how nice you are or if youve gotemotional intelligenceout the wazoo, there will come a time when youve had enough. Now, what will you do when that time comes? Throw stuff? Yell and scream? I sure as heck hope not. At least not if you like your job and want to keep it.Fear not Like most of lifes challenges, there are ways around ansicht situations. You can learn to deal with difficult coworkers and their sometimes annoying behaviors. And do so successfully Lets explore several tactics that you can use to make it less painful for you, shall we?1. Dont assume. (Or if you must, make it positive)Its a lot simpler to assume som eone is behaving a certain way to make your life a living hell instead of finding out whats truly going on. You dont know the full story and quite often are making assumptions about why they are doing what they are doing without taking time to learn mora. Whats interesting about that is how ticked off you can get because of a story that you created in your own head about the scenario.So instead of being certain that Sue from accounting is simply being a jerk, maybe take a step back and get curious about what else might be going on. Perhaps the finance team is under a lot of heat these days and have a major deadline and what Sue owes you might not be top priority for her? Again, not an excuse for awful behavior on her part but she may just be trying to make it through the day and not plotting against you like an evil genius. Remember that annoying as they may be, your coworkers are in fact human. Dealing with all of the stressors and nonsense that we all are at any given time. Heres where you need get in touch with your sense of compassion. Believe in your heart of hearts that they are coming from a good place to start and see what thats like.More often than not, people arent out to get you. It might feel like that sometimes, but take a step back and look at it. Is that really the case? Starting from a place a positivity is a much more solid foundation than the opposite end of the spectrum.2. Ask.One surefire way to figure out what is going on with someone in any situation is to ask. Mind blowing, I know. Though in theory having a conversation may seem simple, it certainly isnt easy. There are times when you are frustrated and the last thing you want to do is engage in conversation with a main source of your frustration. BUT, if youre calm and comfortable enough to do so, you could get to the root of the matter much quicker and easier than trying to solve on your own off in the corner somewhere. Come at it from a positive place. Hey Joe. We seem to really be st ruggling with one another on this project. Whats going on? He might say he hasnt noticed that at all, or hes swamped or hes got family stuff going thats impacting his ability to show up. If you didnt ask, youd have no idea what youre dealing with which means you also have no idea how to help solve for it. Opening up the lines of communication will help you both come to a resolution.3. Common ground. Find it.Its pretty easy to get annoyed by someone when you dont know them at all. Those fake stories we talked about above? Its harder to create them when you already know a bit about the people that you work with. Take time to grab coffee with them when youre not in the midst of a major stressful project. Are they a dog person or a cat person?Introvert/extrovert? Whats their favorite tv show? Sometimes even remembering that you and Carrie both love Bobs Burgers makes it easier to deal with her when shes driving you up a wall.4. Check yourself.When all else fails, maybe its time to look in the mirror. If everyone in your office has suddenly become annoying to you, whats up with that? Do you need to take a walk? Go pet a dog? Are you not getting enough sleep or have you recently started a low carb diet thats making you extra cranky? You need to know whats going on with you thats prompting such strong reactions to coworkers. If youre not yourself, it makes sense that youre having unusual reactions to colleagues. Do some soul searching to figure out what it will take to get you back to you. And if everyone is still annoying at that point, maybe its time to explore elsewhere.Lets be real, people doing annoying things is pretty much a fact of life. You dont need to let it ruin your day. Try to look at things from a different perspective. Be curious and less judgy. It could work wonders--Kelly is ahuman resourcespro and coach who helps people find and achieve what they want career-wise and beyond. Coaching, training, recruiting if you name it in the world of HR, shes do ne it in a variety of industries. Her advice has been featured on The Muse, Career Contessa, Levo, Workology, among others. Learn more by scoping her out

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